Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Doubt stars are fire, doubt the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt i love- William Shakespeare

Great quote... amazing quote, actually one of my favorites... weird since im not this way but just cannot stop thinking about it. Since the day i first read it to today but seems like each day my thought and feelings towards this quote grow. They grow the same way my feeling towards the ideas expressed there grow...."doubt the stars are fire doubt the sun doth move" the idea of questioning the obvious the important and the so thought to be unquestionable. "doubt truth to be a liar"... remember all the times and promises the ideas... and of course the broken ones. Breaking a promise is fine if its for the right reason... but submitting oneself to such a responsibility and commitment as a promise is and then breaking it for no reasonable justification is unbearable... better off not making he promise at all. probably is the necessity of people for contention and a promises provides so but when broken the pleasant feeling once achieved leaps on to the ground.
Finally "but never doubt i love" the concluding part of the quote but also to my thoughts: never doubt when u care, respect, consider, miss etc... never doubt the feelings to be there... no matter good or bad always acknowledge at least to yourself that you have feelings and should not be lost and never ever forget these should never be forgot.